The bible provides us with copious verses on the issues of light as it relates to Christendom and faith. This text is particular about the metaphorical reference to Jesus Christ as being the Light of the World.
Prophet Ezekiel’s vision and John’s revelation depicts the Throne of God as an incomprehensible light that shines brighter than the sun. In fact, He who created the sun of course shines brighter than the sun.
However, this write up is more concerned with the Light of the world. A light that cannot diminish or be put out. The true light that is the source of all true lights.
Why are we particular about light?
We must be concerned about light because of the significance and importance of light in our lives, physically or spiritually. For example, the events of creation commenced with the call for light into the world.
Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. Gen. 1:3
The importance of light cannot be over emphasized, as light is symbolic to life, sight, day, brightness, development, grace and all that is good. Light ultimately promotes everything good. We must seek for that spiritual light that must brighten our lives and keep us ever in the state of grace. Or else we walk in darkness; and what happens to those that walk in darkness – they stumble and fall. Lack of light impedes our movement, stagnates growth, hinders development and starves us of progress, both from the spiritual or physical points of view.
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
It is possible to state that Jesus is the same light that God introduced to the world at the events of creation. He came into the world to dispel darkness and all that it represents. This is narrated in John’s gospel chapter 1 as Jesus is introduced to us.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5
A Quick Analogy
Many of the underdeveloped nations of the world are characterized by the lack of light/power supply; which further makes it difficult for progressive and timely development in their environments. Similarly, our spiritual lives may not grow / develop if we are hunted by the darkness of sin, evil, un-forgiveness, guilt, spiritual blindness, wickedness, scandal and terror. We must step into the wonderful light of Jesus Christ, and like the relationship between the Sun and the Moon, we too must become light of the world, reflecting the light of Jesus. As the Master reminds us;
You are like light for the whole world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14
God has created us for perfection, but we all grope in darkness due to sin. Jesus warns us to be perfect as the Heavenly Father is Perfect – and thus live exceptional lives, mountain top lives, lives to be proud of, lives worthy of emulation and praise. Lives that God would be proud of … as stated in Job.
Did you notice my servant Job?”the Lord asked “There is no one on earth as faithful and good as he is. He worships me and is careful not to do anything evil” Job 1:8
So what is your source of light?
We have discussed the significance and importance of light both spiritually and physically and concluded that Jesus is the source of this light which showers us with the grace of God as we radiate the light of God unto the world. But we cannot conclude without this warning – that people are often been deceived by a false light, a deceptive light which ultimately leads people into darkness. Such light is temporary and seeks to please itself.
And no wonder, even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it’s not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants who have God’s approval. In the end they will get what they deserve. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
We must be careful, and chose with discernment. “By their fruits you shall know them!” We must follow the source of light that is true and leads to eternal life. We must seek the light that shelters us in the grace of God and seeks only to please God, and as such, make God pleased with us. The light of God, is assuredly, for the salvation of mankind. Our source of light must be from Jesus – the author and finisher of our faith.
Oh God, we open our hearts today, dispel every darkness within and around us. We are stepping into this wonderful light of Jesus Christ so that we too can humbly become light of the world, and live the kind of lives that you would be proud of, amen!