TMD – Day 30

The Monthly Devotional (TMD) Last Week Day 30 Thank God for he is going to bless your home; family, relationship, finances, your store house Introduction: “I have come to give life and give more abundantly” says the Lord. In his presence there is fullness of blessing and rejoicing and as I have come before the … [Read more…]

TMD – Day 29

The Monthly Devotional (TMD) Last Week Day 29 Thank God for who he is… Introduction: God I thank you for you are my creator, my God, my father. You are everything to me! The mind cannot phantom, words cannot describe, lips cannot tell of all your greatness, wonders and attributes. The heaven is your throne … [Read more…]

TMD – Day 28

The Monthly Devotional (TMD) 4th Week Day 28 Thank God for his love for you that has no end Introduction: Lovers get tired and separate or file for divorce. Parents disown their children. Children forsake their parents when they get older. But only God has been with you through and through. He knew how you charted … [Read more…]

TMD – Day 27

The Monthly Devotional (TMD) 4th Week Day 27 Ask God to cover you with his love Introduction: This reflection could best be explained from the scriptures Job 1: 9-11. The devil acknowledges that God covered Job with his love, and this is awesome news. Read this biblical reference and recount the benefits of God covering you … [Read more…]