The Monthly Devotional (TMD)
4th Week
Day 28
Thank God for his love for you that has no end
Lovers get tired and separate or file for divorce. Parents disown their children. Children forsake their parents when they get older. But only God has been with you through and through.
He knew how you charted your course from conception through birth, and he alone would hold your walking stick steady till you return to dust. Indeed his love has no end and not just because he is there from age to age but because he readily forgives us and wants the sinner to turn from his evil ways.
His anger may be brief but his love endures for ever. God’s love is revealed in the gift of his son as an eternal sacrifice for the ransom of many (John 3:16). Such that a sacrifice made and a debt paid over 2,000 years ago is sure to redeem sinner for years to come.
God’s love is not cosmetic but deep rooted in grace received by believing in the son of God. Before Jesus was born did God show his love, Yes! So what’s new? For those that believe in Jesus, he has given them power to become children of God (John 1:12-13)! Now God’s love is filial, so that generations can experience this grace too (just as generations of Abraham benefited from Abraham’s blessings).
No one can measure the extent of God’s love; not even the height of the heavens is a yardstick or the breadth of the ocean – a parameter, God’s love transcends time and space. God’s love is neither temporary nor conditional. God loves you for today and in the present circumstance; he loves you for the unforeseen tomorrow, and desires you be with him in heaven, please measure that – simply put: God’s love is unconditional and everlasting!
Bible Passage:
- Ezekiel 18:21-23
- Exodus 34:6
- Numbers 14: 18
- Nehemiah 9:30-31
- Isaiah 54:6-10
- Jeremiah 1:4-5
- Psalm 86:1-5, 86:15 Psalm 103:8-14
- John 1:12-13, 3:16
Because God loved man he created man; because God created man he loves man; God loves man: God loves you!
Sweet Jesus, I love you and believe that you are the Incarnate Word – the Son of God – I desire to be a child of God today, so that I can fully live in your love, amen!