TMD – Day 29

The Monthly Devotional (TMD)

Last Week

Day 29

Thank God for who he is…


God I thank you for you are my creator, my God, my father. You are everything to me! The mind cannot phantom, words cannot describe, lips cannot tell of all your greatness, wonders and attributes. The heaven is your throne and the earth your foot stool, yet you have considered me and counted me worthy to call your name. Your name that thrones and dominions adore in constant praise, be thou exalted, I praise and worship you; I thank you for all you are to me.

I thank you for what you have begun in me; I thank you for where I am today; and I thank you for my tomorrow. You have given me life and it has pleased you, let my life be pleasing to you!

I thank you for giving me the morning and for every new day and for all my supplications before you, for you are my provider, constant helper, my God, the answerer to me prayers.

I cannot thank you enough, because I am also grateful for the heart of gratitude you have given me. For a thankful heart is a blessed heart.

Bible Passage:

  • Exodus 3:14
  • Daniel 7:14
  • Philippians 2:9-11
  • Hebrews 1:6
  • Revelations 5:7-14
  • Psalm 33, 34


If you have the opportunity of worshiping God every minute please do not hesitate to worship Him. Whenever you think of God say a word or two in worship and adore his sovereign majesty. Remember, you need not go to Jerusalem or the mountain to worship God; do it in your present environment – in spirit and truth.


Father Lord, I worship you today with my every breadth and may my every breadth be pleasing to you in Jesus’s name I pray, amen!

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