The Monthly Devotional (TMD)
Last Week
Day 30
Thank God for he is going to bless your home; family, relationship, finances, your store house
“I have come to give life and give more abundantly” says the Lord. In his presence there is fullness of blessing and rejoicing and as I have come before the presence of the Lord today, I have come to receive the fullness of God’s blessings and to rejoice. Today, the angels and whole of heaven would rejoice over my situation.
I declare divine assistance in every area of my life that needs the manifestation of God’s grace and healing. Healing is the children’s bread. It would not pass me nor pass my home today, Amen!
The eyes of the Lord are upon me and God’s mission is more intently conscientious of my challenges. I do not claim to know my problems more than God does, so I invite the eyes of God to look into my life and restore all that has been stolen or destroyed by the evil one.
I do not claim superior knowledge to the Holy Spirit so I invite the Spirit of God to search my heart today and bless me with divine wisdom so that I can live the rest of my life in the manner that pleases God. Today I seek the Kingdom of God and of its righteousness!
I thank God for restoration and healing. I thank God for His power over my situation, Amen!
Bible Passage:
- Psalm 34; 91:10
- Deuteronomy 7:15; 11:9,21; 23:5; 28:1-14
- Exodus 12:13; 15:26; 23:25-26
- 2 Chronicles 16:9
- Proverbs 15:3
- John 10:10
- Matthew 15:22-29
- Romans 8:26-27
- Ephesians 1:18-23
The devil has come to kill, steal and destroy but Jesus has come to give life abundantly. The devil goes around like a wandering lion looking for who to destroy so we are advised to resist him in faith. The abundance of Life made manifest by Jesus is to the fullest, why not profit from it. Call on him today to manifest himself in your home, relationship, finances, work and storehouse.
Heavenly Father, in a special way today, I invite you into my life to take hold of every situation that concerns me; because through you I can succeed in all I do to the glory of your name, amen!