TMD – Day 11

The Monthly Devotional (TMD) 2nd Week Day 11 Lay your heart bare and ask God to forgive and cleanse you Introduction: The bible reveals that only God is holy, who else can claim to be holy. Seeking God’s forgiveness should be a daily practise. Cleansing ourselves of filth and sin should be a spiritual ritual; certainly … [Read more…]

TMD – Day 10

The Monthly Devotional (TMD) 2nd Week Day 10 Thank God for family, friends and his angels with which he has surrounded us Introduction: We take for granted many of God’s blessings, such as the gift of family, friends and angels. We have angels surrounding us and ensuring that children of God are protected from harm according … [Read more…]

TMD – Day 9

The Monthly Devotional (TMD) 2nd Week Day 9 Thank God for perfect health; he has decreed it for you Introduction: In the beginning, all God created was pronounced good, and so it shall be. It has always been God’s intention that all is good, in fact, perfect. It was necessary to reset the order, so he … [Read more…]

TMD – Day 8

The Monthly Devotional (TMD) 2nd Week Day 8 Worship God for who he is… and for what he is in your life Introduction: God is God; he is beyond and above everything. He is beyond all wisdom, all knowledge, all being. He is beyond the concept of time and space. All we know about God are … [Read more…]

TMD – Day 7

The Monthly Devotional (TMD) 1st Week Day 7 Give thanks to the Lord for his providence… Introduction: It pleases God to provide, because it is his nature. He is the great provider: He creates and provides life. He sustains life and it is God’s responsibility as a father to take care of his Children and … [Read more…]