TMD – Day 7

The Monthly Devotional (TMD)

1st Week

Day 7

Give thanks to the Lord for his providence…


It pleases God to provide, because it is his nature. He is the great provider: He creates and provides life. He sustains life and it is God’s responsibility as a father to take care of his Children and his creation.

God has set nature to make providence natural and apply natural laws to sustain creation. However, God’s divine providence is beyond telling, and can’t be comprehended as experienced in many events in history. The case of Manna has no explanation till date; Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000; story of Elijah and the widow as well as Elisha and the Widow; Peter paying his tax; and many other biblical references leave us more perplexed than ever. Our personal experiences are some testimonies yet to be recorded. It pleases God to provide all the time if only we know how to ask.

God already knows what we want, all we need do is ask; and ask with thanksgiving in your heart. We are further admonished, if we know how to give what is good to our children, even so God would show act of kindness and providence towards us when we ask.

There are things that can’t be purchased. A number of them are: peace, protection, health, wealth, success, healing, security, love, children, or a home; they come from God and we must thank God for his providence.

It is therefore important to thank God for his providence even before they are received. This is faith in action. There are indeed many things we didn’t pray for that we have received, thus our continuous thanksgiving for his providence is important. In showing appreciation we only remind God of what he has in store for us. Remember, gratitude leads to altitude!

Bible Passage:

  • Psalm 70:4-5
  • Exodus 16
  • 1 Kings 17:5-16; 2 Kings 4:1-7
  • Matthew 6:26; 14:13-21; 17:24-27


Are you in doubt that the Lord provides? Or you are convinced that you cannot receive from the Lord?


Heavenly Lord, I just want to say thank you Lord for all you have given to me and all you have in store for me. I cannot thank you enough, but today I poor out my heart to you and say I love you Lord and I am grateful, in Jesus name, Amen.

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