The Monthly Devotional (TMD)
2nd Week
Day 11
Lay your heart bare and ask God to forgive and cleanse you
The bible reveals that only God is holy, who else can claim to be holy. Seeking God’s forgiveness should be a daily practise. Cleansing ourselves of filth and sin should be a spiritual ritual; certainly we take our bath as often as we feel the need to be clean. The same can be said about our spiritual life.
Why do we have to wash? Joseph needed to be cleansed before he was brought before Pharaoh. You must make yourself presentable to grace the presence of an exalted personality, right? So also it is important you prepare yourself before you grace the presence of God, the King of kings and the Lord of lords; the Almighty. It is important you prepare yourself spiritually, to seek his face, his mercy, and his favours. More still, Jesus had to clean the apostles at the last supper; a gesture he achieved by washing their feet. It was also a metaphor for love and humility – forgiving and seeking for forgiveness is an act in love and humility.
You must lay your hearts bare in humility acknowledging what you are and who God is. Recalling that in other to abide in the Lord’s presence it is important you must be clean and then benefit from his grace.
Bible passage:
- Ecclesiastes 7:20
- Mark 7:18-23; 10:18
- James 4:10
- Psalm 32
- Matthew 15:17-19
- Proverbs 4:23
We must be cleansed as often as necessary; we must also seek forgiveness as often too. Above all things, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Almighty God, I come to you with a repentant heart. I thank you for your love and the power of your forgiveness that cleanses me from sin. Fill me with the fullness of your grace that saves me from temptation, sin and evil, I ask through Jesus Christ my Lord, amen!