Let the Atheist Say…

It is a disability of some sort to be blind, but it is obviously sadistic for the blind to be allowed to lead. And let the atheist say… that there is no God… because they are blind to the fact, but it is certainly cruel for them to be allowed to guide others in such … [Read more…]

Misinterpretation of God’s Will

Genesis 3:4-5 4The snake replied, “That’s not true; you will not die. 5God said that, because he knows that when you eat it you will be like God and know what is good and what is bad.” One of the greatest problems the church faces can be regarded as the continuous “misinterpretation of the word … [Read more…]

Learning from Others

Proverbs 14:35 Every five years, knowledge in most major fields doubles. That means if you do not stay sharp you will be left behind. Repeating the same lessons over and over means you are not learning enough. Study those who have succeeded where you want to succeed, in order to know what to do and … [Read more…]

Quit defining God

Exodus 3:13-15 In the text Exodus 3:14, there is great revelations of the person and the name of God. Man’s greatest trouble and indeed crime is trying to ‘define God’. In defining God we attempt to create boundaries for God; limit Him in time and space; and associate the known with the unknown. We attempt … [Read more…]