First reading
1 Kings 3:5,7-12
The Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and said, ‘Ask what you would like me to give you.’ Solomon replied, ‘O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in succession to David my father. But I am a very young man, unskilled in leadership. Your servant finds himself in the midst of this people of yours that you have chosen, a people so many its number cannot be counted or reckoned. Give your servant a heart to understand how to discern between good and evil, for who could govern this people of yours that is so great?’ It pleased the Lord that Solomon should have asked for this. ‘Since you have asked for this’ the Lord said ‘and not asked for long life for yourself or riches or the lives of your enemies, but have asked for a discerning judgement for yourself, here and now I do what you ask. I give you a heart wise and shrewd as none before you has had and none will have after you.’ The word of the Lord!
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 118(119):57,72,76-77,127-130
Second reading
Romans 8:28-30
We know that by turning everything to their good, God co-operates with all those who love him, with all those he has called according to his purpose. They are the ones he chose specially long ago and intended to become true images of his Son, so that his Son might be the eldest of many brothers. He called those he intended for this; those he called he justified, and with those he justified he shared his glory. The word of the Lord!
Matthew 13:44-52
He sells everything he owns and buys the field.
Jesus said to the crowds, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which someone has found; he hides it again, goes off happy, sells everything he owns and buys the field.
‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls; when he finds one of great value he goes and sells everything he owns and buys it.
‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet cast into the sea that brings in a haul of all kinds. When it is full, the fishermen haul it ashore; then, sitting down, they collect the good ones in a basket and throw away those that are no use. This is how it will be at the end of time: the angels will appear and separate the wicked from the just to throw them into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.
‘Have you understood all this?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ And he said to them, ‘Well then, every scribe who becomes a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out from his storeroom things both new and old.’
“The Kingdom of heaven is like…” Jesus in today’s gospel has likened the Kingdom of heaven with different analogies – like a treasure hidden in a field; like fine pearls; and like a fisherman’s dragnet pulled out of the sea bringing out a haul of all kinds. We can say from the parable that Jesus has revealed that the Kingdom of heaven is something of great value, hidden and available for the discovery of all mankind who seek it, but it is the reward and attainment of those who genuinely deserve it because of their good works!
In the analogy presented in Jesus’ parables what remains constant is that man is given an opportunity to decide his destiny; to seek the Kingdom of heaven, treasure it and be ready to lose every other thing in other to possess it. We are again reminded that some may stumble upon this treasure, while others go in search of it, but a choice has to be made on what we hold of value more than any other thing. Remember, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and every other thing shall be added on to you” (Matt. 6:33).
Again we are reminded that at the fullness of time, our choices would determine our reward in the after life as God would separate the good from the bad. Remember, “Not all those who call me Lord, Lord would enter the Kingdom of heaven but those who do the will of my Father in heaven” (Matt. 7:21). Hence, our choices in life are made manifest by our actions!
Solomon in the first reading has given us a great lesson to learn from. He was considered the wisest man ever on earth because of the choice he made. He chose to be a “Wise King”; that was his genuine intention. He sought to be a wise king so that he could lead the people of God right; so that he could lead the people of Israel to God / to the Kingdom of Heaven, and of course, every other thing was added unto him. When you kneel down to pray, what do you ask for? Even after Jesus has given us secrets on how to pray and what to pray for, what are your genuine intentions towards yourself, towards others and to/for God, when you pray?
Brethren! God is willing to co-operate with you if you choose right; if you choose his will over yours; if you choose to become the true image of his son – wise and desirous of revelation of God’s Kingdom. Today God is calling you, reminding you and desiring your genuine return to him. He wants you to make the right choice because Choice makes a man!
Heavenly Father, I thank you for another day and everything that it brings. You are the God of Heaven and Earth and all that is in it; I thank you for creating me especially in your image and likeness. Lord help me in my weakness and save me from my wickedness. I choose your will over mine and above all I seek your Kingdom and righteousness in my life. Use me Lord as a vessel of honour, solution and blessing to my family, friends and country, in Jesus name I pray, Amen!