Read Lk. 5:1-11
More often than none we are caught up in the dilemma that I can do things my own way, just as I want them. We make ourselves the focal points in every aspect/ situations/ decisions in our lives. We feel we don’t need anybody not even God. We feel we can achieve things on own merits/ strength/ expertise. So where has this led us to? So many tears, grumbling, regrets I presume. Then why not let God lead?
Two scenarios: in Lk. 5:4-5, Peter after the tortuous toil of catching nothing all through the night decided to allow this stranger who knew nothing about fishing (obviously from his appearance) other than talking stories to take the lead. Strangely enough his natural fisherman instinct, weariness nor his frustrations of futility the previous night could not deter him allowing this stranger to lead. A situation where one can refer to him as a “compound mumu”. If you were in his shoes, honestly would you have listened and obeyed?
The result was awesome (v.6) and had to even call for assistance (v.7). The amazing and astonishing part is that he left everything and followed the stranger (v.11) after the uneventful and unsuccessful all night? Does this not smell the mark of a “compound mumu”? Would you!? Be honest!!!
Scenario two: Deut. 1:26-46, the Israelites bluntly refused the commands of God and rebelled just because an evil report was brought to them by the expenditure that went to view the lands of the Amorites and noticing the descendants of the Anakim. They forgot the might of him who guided and guarded them with the pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night; the one who led them through the Red Sea on dry ground, and routing the armies of Pharoah in the sea.
The results to their actions were devastating: they will never see the promise land (v.35), and we’re heavy defeated when they decided to go and fight after God had told them to turn back (vv.42-45).
During this season let God lead you.
I don’t know the situation you are in right now, all I know is that Jesus wants to lead you. He wants you to do things differently, this time in his own way; just trust him. As he said to Peter in Lk. 5:4 he is saying to you, “put out into the deep and lower your nets” which could mean “let’s go back into that challenging situations in your life with me leading this time around.” Would you allow him to lead?
My mum use to sing the song “He leadeth me O blessed thought” whenever faced with difficulties right from childhood days and God does manifest his hands in her life.
So why not sing now the song “He leadeth me….” and pray with Deut. Chapter 2, Ps. 23, 121.