Read Lk. 5:1-11
Do you want God to lead, then let him get into your boat. Not just getting into your boat but remaining there. Does HE need an invitation, I don’t think so because he is always inviting himself (cf. Lk. 5:3; 19:5; Jn. 4:7) for there is so much that he wants to give. Once in He is never in a hurry to leave (Jn. 4:10; Lk. 5:4). No wonder in Is. 1:18 he says “come let’s reason this over….”
With God truly in your boat, things happen – in Lk. 5:6-7, Peter got the shocker of his life; in Jn. 2:1-10 he removed the shame from the newly wedded couples’ faces; in Jn 4:1-30 sadness in the life of the woman at the well was replaced with acceptance; for Zacchaeus he filled his emptiness and gave him salvation (Lk. 19:1-10); for Mary and Martha he restored their joy by raising Lazarus from the dead (Jn. 11:1-45); and I love this one, for the thief dying on the cross despair was changed to sweet hope – wao!!! He gave him Eternal life (Lk. 23:43); can you beat that?
God remaining in your boat (which is even the hardest part) rocks – in Is. 42:2 says the rivers will never sweep you away nor will the flames consume you because is there; he’s the 4th man in the fire (Dan. 3: 90-92 cath. version; 30-32 revised stand.); closed the mouth of the lions (Dan. 6:21-23); calms every storm (Mt. 8:25; Mk. 4:39; Lk. 8:24).
Your sins or weaknesses matters not to him, all he wants is you, the way you are. Peter asked him to leave because he was a sinner but he declined rather said he needs him (Lk. 5:8-11). Would you allow him in your boat this season?
Sing the song then: “I surrender all” and pray with Deut. Chapter 4 and Ps. 16.