“I am the way, the truth and the life” (Jn.14:6).  So, “Come follow me!” (Mt. 4:19); “Take up your cross and follow me” (16:24) – “every day” (Lk. 9:23); “Come now, let us go” (Jn. 14:31).
Jesus is calling. The invitation is clear, clearer in my head and more in my heart than I could ever imagine. Should I/ can I truly respond to his invitation?
Honestly, am kind of scared to respond to his invitation even though l love the prospect. Is it because of my sins? I dont think so, for that is why he actually came in the first place  and that am truly grateful for.  Then why am I so so scared? It’s the demands/ costs of it.
To truly follow him and not being a member of the “crowd” I need to be like him by emptying the self. I need to be HOLY like him; but am I cut out for that right now – a billion dollar question. Scripture says: “be holy for I, the Lord God, am holy”(Lev. 19:2).
Hmmm!!!  HOLINESS!!! Am I really ready to let go of my comfort zone, pleasures and appetites? Am I ready to let go of the clinched fist, the envy, greed, hatred and vengeful spirit? Am I ready not to respond with negative and hurtful words when my seemingly rights are being trampled on? That quarrel, that malice and that wicked eye, am I ready to let go. What about forgiveness, curbing the excesses of my tongue, the eye and the heart.
THIS IS MY CROSS. Yes it is and the big problem is LETTING GO. Jesus knows this and that is why he is calling.  The beauty of this call is not to journey on my own but with him alongside these fears daily.
He says he will make the difference and I should not be afraid to journey with him (cf. Is. 43:1-3; Lk. 5:10; Jn. 14:1) for his grace is sufficient for me (2 Cor. 12:9) and he is my strength (Phil. 4:13). Yes, all I need do now is to obey and trust him as Levi did when he came calling at the tax office.
Sing with me today “Guide me, O thou great Redeemer.” Pray  with St. Pio’s “Stay with me, Lord,” Ps. 15, 23 & 27. Study the 8th chapter of the prophet Jeremiah.

By Fr. Charles Emore

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