Read John 21:1-17
Its really painful and disheartening when you know that you have betrayed the trust and confidence reposed on you, especially when it comes with so much love and respect. You feel like a total failure. Maybe that was your very first mistake, you might have been extremely careful and faithful all these while. Just a wrong turn, a wrong decision, a wrong action, a wrong word and it seems the whole world has crumbled on you.

There is the temptation of going back to old habits, picking up a bad habit or even throwing in the towel all together with the feeling that there is no need, for how can one truly and really make amends.

Peter found himself in similar scenario. He denied the master not once but three times after having boasted that he will never abandon him come what may (cf. Lk. 22:33; Jn. 13:37). It was sad. He cried, really cried bitterly (I could imagine the anguish he felt – “me of all people, how?”). He saw himself as a failure and the only way to hide from this pain and shame was to go back to that which he knew best – FISHING. “I am going fishing” (21:3), he said to douse his embarrassment, disappointment and shame in the presence of the other disciples.

But in all these Jesus was ever present with him. HE helped him once again (cf. Lk. 5:4-6) to fish (21:5-6) and even prepared breakfast (vv. 9-13); then crowned it by reposing his confidence on him once again (vv. 15-17). What a show of mercy. Can you beat that? The grace of a second chance.

I don’t know the situation you are in right now, how terrible/ horrible it might be but all I want to tell you is that there is the grace of a second chance for you. Jesus wants to journey with you. His mercy is so rich and strong for there is no situation too big for him to surmount. In this year’s lenten journey he comes inviting himself into your life as he did to Zacchaeus (cf. Lk. 19:5). Would you allow him?

Pray meditatively with the songs “Amazing grace”, and “Are you washed in the blood…” Pray too with Ps. 4,5 &6. Study Deut. 18.



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