Read Lk. 19:1-10
Do you know that the mission of Jesus is to show the mercy face of (cf. Jn. 3:16; Lk. 4:18)? This he does with love and as the bible tells us he went about doing good.
Do you know that the mission of Jesus is to show the mercy face of (cf. Jn. 3:16; Lk. 4:18)? This he does with love and as the bible tells us he went about doing good.
In v.5 he showed that face to Zacchaeus when he stopped where he was, looked up and asked him to hurry down because he must get to his house immediately. He even called Zacchaeus by his very name, can you beat that? Zacchaeus never bargained for all these, all he wanted was to see Jesus and that would have been enough.
Wao!!! I could hear him gasp for breath looking excitingly at those around him saying, “He knows my name name!” The mercy face of God in Jesus brought so much joy into his life to the extent that before Jesus could say a word he was already ranting like a ‘keneri bird’ who had taken too much hot pepper.
In this moment of joy he says, “The half of my goods, Lord, I give to the poor, an if I have cheated anyone, I pay him back four times as much” (v.8). This my friend is the resultant beauty of the mercy face of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. And Jesus says to him, “salvation has come into this house….” v.9.
My friend Jesus wants to stop and look into your face as he did to Zacchaeus, would you allow him? Would you yield as Zacchaeus did? You might not be as wealthy as Zacchaeus but you can be never be too disadvantaged to be merciful like the Father putting smiles and joy in people’s life.
Outside providing something no matter how small to somebody as we have been doing for the past two days now, why not do a little more? Clothe somebody today. Go into your closet and bring out that which you have not worn for about six months or more ago and hand it out, not the rags please. To add more sacrifice to your face of mercy you can add that fairly if not an out right new one as well. Tell Jesus I put them into your hands today, show me your mercy face as I do to others.
Sing meditatively “Jesus my Lord to thee I cry….” Study Deut. 22