Read Mt. 15:21-28
It is often said that quitters are losers, and to be a champion Mohammed Ali says, “you must fight one more round, staying on your feet and not going down whatsoever. Absorb as much punches that you can, dodge as many as possible and be ready to throw your killer punch, dancing like the butterfly and stinging like the bee.”
It is often said that quitters are losers, and to be a champion Mohammed Ali says, “you must fight one more round, staying on your feet and not going down whatsoever. Absorb as much punches that you can, dodge as many as possible and be ready to throw your killer punch, dancing like the butterfly and stinging like the bee.”
More often than none most believers loose out of experiencing the mercy face of God because they either throw in the towel too early or they loose the will power to go on. The paralytic got his healing because his friends never gave in to the forces of discouragement (Mk. 2:1-12).
This too could be said of the Canaanite woman whose daughter was greatly tormented by a demon. She knew she did not deserve the miracle she craved for since she was not of Israel’s stock (v.24), and even when been referred to as “house dog” (v.26) was not discouraged but determined and asked for mercy (v.22). A mother’s love was her only motivating force, her will power in not giving up until she gets what she wanted – MERCY.
Our major challenge these days as Christians is lack of determination in remaining resolute in our trust in God. We forget that tough times (though difficult and back breaking) don’t last for all eternity but tough people do. The storm can and will never go on forever, it will definitely stop. If only if we are determined and patient enough we will experience an untold calm in the eye of the storm – God’s mercy.
Remember the resoluteness of Abraham, and Job the just man who said “if we receive good things from God, why cannot we accept evil from him?” (Job 2:10). They both had trust, the paralytic friends had concern, while the Canaanite woman had a mother’s love as their motivating force that saw them through the eye of their storms? What is yours (we all have, if you don’t know yours ask the Lord and he will show you) and would you be determined like these people not to give up come what may?
Pray then with these songs: “I need thee every hour” and “It’s me O Lord standing in the need of prayer.” Study Deut. 27.