Read 1 Sam. 1:1-20
“Deeply distressed she wept and prayed to the Lord… ‘O Lord of Host, if only you will have compassion on your maidservant, if you remember me and do not forget me….'” (vv.10-11). “Lord, If you want to you can make me clean” (Mt. 8:2).
There is power in that tears of yours, why not allow it speak for you? Just don’t waste it. It’s very precious; raise it up to God in prayer. Hannah utilized hers, why not do the same this very hour of grace?
You don’t need to punish yourself unnecessarily because of your situation, more so because of the insignificant rants of people on your present condition. Yes, I call them insignificant rants because that is just what they are. Don’t loose any sleep or starve yourself, or waste your energy on account of them.
They are really painful no doubt about that, so also was the agony of Jesus that his sweat fell like drops of blood (Lk. 22:44) and his crucifixion. Have you forgotten the text that says “those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap?” (Ps. 126:5). Have also forgotten that it was from the depth of th pain in his heart that Jesus cried out “It is finished?” (Jn.19:30) I guess you knew what followed.
Your tears is too precious, don’t waste it. Raise it to God. Remember the Lord hears the cry of the righteous (Ps. 34:17).
Pray today with Ps. 22 & 121. Sing too “I come to thee once more, my God” and “Pass me not O gentle Saviour.” Study today Lamentations chapter 5.