Excellence – The Mark of God’s Favour!

To Excel requires the show of Excellence.

Learn from Joseph (Genesis 37, 39 – 41), Joseph showed an attitude (spirit) of excellence regardless of the situation.

Joseph refused to compromise (to be less than excellent). He reported his brothers when they did wrong. (Genesis 37: 2)

As a slave, Joseph chose excellence even when he wasn’t paid. Potiphar put Joseph in charge of his household because the Lord was with Joseph and he excelled in everything he did. (Genesis 39:4)

If you are of the view that you would only achieve excellence when you get a better job or pay; you are lying to yourself. Seek the right attitude for that conscious and constant desire to achieve excellence in anything you do; whether you are paid or not.

Again, excellence does not compromise. (Genesis 39: 7 -12) Joseph was tested and he was sure to flee from evil. Joseph ran from the sexual advancements of Potiphar’s wife.

Even in the darkest hour let your excellence shine out. Let people identify you for excellence! In the prison, the attitude of excellence followed Joseph. He was put in charge of all the other prisoners. Genesis 39: 23 -23

And ultimately, excellence pays! Joseph was put in charge of all of Egypt. Genesis 41:40 -42

This is to encourage us to seek the spirit of excellence.  God desires excellence and favours all who strive for excellence. God has recommended that” Be perfect as my heavenly father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48) Put in your best regardless of the reward, keep striving to outperform yourself daily. Strive for excellence and you would excel because The Lord would be with you and you would be successful in all you do!


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