From the book of the Wisdom of Solomon (a Deuterocanonical book) Chapter 12:12-22
12:12 For who is there to ask, ‘What have you done?’ Or who is there to disagree with your sentence? Who to arraign you for destroying nations which you have created? Who to confront you by championing the wicked?
12:13 For there is no god, other than you, who cares for every one, to whom you have to prove that your sentences have been just.
12:14 No more could any king or despot challenge you over those whom you have punished.
12:15 For, being upright yourself, you rule the universe uprightly, and hold it as incompatible with your power to condemn anyone who has not deserved to be punished.
12:16 For your strength is the basis of your saving justice, and your sovereignty over all makes you lenient to all.
12:17 You show your strength when people will not believe in your absolute power, and you confound any insolence in those who do know it.
12:18 But you, controlling your strength, are mild in judgement, and govern us with great lenience, for you have only to will, and your power is there.
12:19 By acting thus, you have taught your people that the upright must be kindly to his fellows, and you have given your children the good hope that after sins you will grant repentance.
12:20 For, if with such care and indulgence you have punished your children’s enemies, though doomed to death, and have given them time and place to be rid of their wickedness,
12:21 with what exact attention have you not judged your children, to whose ancestors, by oaths and covenants, you made such generous promises?
12:22 Thus, you instruct us, when you punish our enemies in moderation, that we should reflect on your kindness when we judge, and, when we are judged, we should look for mercy.
Culled from the Good News Bible with Deuterocanonical Books