From the book of the Wisdom of Solomon (a Deuterocanonical book) Chapter 14: 22-31
14:22 It is not enough, however, for them to have such misconceptions about God; for, living in the fierce warfare of ignorance, they call these terrible evils peace.
14:23 With their child-murdering rites, their occult mysteries, or their frenzied orgies with outlandish customs,
14:24 they no longer retain any purity in their lives or their marriages, one treacherously murdering another or wronging him by adultery.
14:25 Everywhere a welter of blood and murder, theft and fraud, corruption, treachery, riot, perjury,
14:26 disturbance of decent people, forgetfulness of favours, pollution of souls, sins against nature, disorder in marriage, adultery and debauchery.
14:27 For the worship of idols with no name is the beginning, cause, and end of every evil.
14:28 For these people either carry their merrymaking to the point of frenzy, or they prophesy what is not true, or they live wicked lives, or they perjure themselves without hesitation;
14:29 since they put their trust in lifeless idols they do not reckon their false oaths can harm them.
14:30 But they will be justly punished for this double crime: for degrading the concept of God by adhering to idols; and for wickedly perjuring themselves in contempt for what is holy.
14:31 For it is not the power of the things by which they swear but the punishment reserved for sinners that always follows the offences of wicked people.
Culled from the Good News Bible with Deuterocanonical Book