TMD – Day 19

The Monthly Devotional (TMD)

3rd Week

Day 19

Pray for the spirit of God to abide with you and help you


It is not by power or by might, but by the spirit, says the Lord!

The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit; our advocate, helper, comforter, the life giving spirit, is a great gift to the church, a great gift to humanity. Like the parable of the 10 talents, if you do not put your gift to use it would be taken away from you. It is expedient you learn about the gift you possess and put it to use.

Imagine you get a helicopter as a birthday gift what would you do? First thing is to know more about helicopters and then get to know your helicopter better. The choice to fly it, sell it or abandon it evidently lies with you.

At baptism you received the gift of the Holy Spirit, what are you doing with it? King Saul lost the Spirit of God and the grace and favour of God departed from him; King David earnestly prayed for the Holy Spirit to remain with him. David understood the efficacy of the help of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus advised the Apostles to wait for the Holy Spirit, the paraclet; It is the same Holy Spirit that helped the Apostles throughout their ministry – regardless of their educational background and status in the society; It is the same spirit the Holy Church depends on till today.

We cannot rely on our power, skill, intellect or ability but we need the help of the Holy Spirit. We must pray that the Holy Spirit abides with us for the length of our days.

Bible Passage:

  • John 14:15-18
  • Acts 2: 14-41
  • Psalm 51:11
  • Zechariah 4:1-6
  • 1 Corinthians 2:6-16


Jesus has assured us a comforter, an advocate, a helper, revealed in the person of the Holy Spirit. Do you walk alone or constantly in touch with God through the Holy Spirit?


May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit Abide with us now and forever, Amen!

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