Writings and Sermons of the Saints

  1. The Confessions of St. Augustine (St. Augustine of Hippo) – read online or pdf; pdf also here; or audiobook here
  2. The City of God (St. Augustine) – text, kindle format; also here in pdf, text, audio
  3. Handbook on Faith, Hope and Love (St. Augustine) – pdf, text, audio; or pdf here; or audiobook here
  4. Soliloquies (St. Augustine) – pdf; or pdf, text, kindle format here
  5. The Little Number of Those Who Are Saved (St. Leonard of Port Maurice) – pdf; or audio here
  6. The Hidden Treasure or The Immense Excellence of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (St. Leonard of Port-Maurice) – pdf, text, kindle format
  7. Counsels and Exhortations of St. Padre Pio – pdf
  8. The School of Christian Perfection (St. Alphonsus) – read online
  9. On the Vice of Impurity (St. Alphonsus) – read online
  10. The Holy Eucharist (St. Alphonsus de Liguori) – pdf, text, kindle format
  11. The Holy Mass (St. Alphonsus de Liguori) – pdf, text, kindle format
  12. The Love Shown to us by Jesus in his Passion (St. Alphonsus) – audiobook
  13. Dignity and Duties of the Priest (St. Alphonsus de Liguori) – pdf, text, kindle format
  14. The Divine Office: Explanation of the Psalms and Canticles (St. Alphonsus) – pdf, text, kindle format
  15. The True Spouse of Jesus Christ (St. Alphonsus de Liguori) – pdf
  16. The History of Heresies and Their Refutation (St. Alphonsus) – pdf, text, kindle format; or pdf here
  17. The Divine Eucharist (St. Peter Julian Eymard) – pdf
  18. The Catholic Controversy (St. Francis de Sales) – pdf, text, kindle format; or pdf, epub here
  19. Letters to Persons in the World (St. Francis de Sales) – pdf, text, kindle format
  20. The Consoling Thoughts of St. Francis de Sales – pdf, text, kindle format; or audiobook here
  21. The Secret of Sanctity (St. Francis de Sales, Fr. Crasset) – pdf, text, kindle format
  22. True Spiritual Conferences (St. Francis de Sales) – pdf, text, kindle format
  23. Maxims and Counsels of St. Francis de Sales – pdf, text, kindle format
  24. Flowers of the Passion: Thoughts of St. Paul of the Cross – pdf, text, kindle format
  25. The Interior Castle (St. Teresa of Avila) – pdf, text, audio; or pdf here
  26. The Way of Perfection (St. Teresa of Avila) – pdf, text, audio; or pdf here
  27. The Spirit of St. Teresa (from writings of St. Teresa of Avila) – pdf, text, kindle format
  28. Conceptions of Divine Love (St. Teresa of Avila) – audiobook
  29. Relations (St. Teresa of Avila) – audiobook
  30. The Secret of the Rosary (St. Louis de Montfort) – pdf; or audiobook here (various parts)
  31. The Secret of Mary (St. Louis M. G. de Montfort) – audiobook: part 1part 2; or pdf, text, kindle format here
  32. True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary (St. Louis de Montfort) – read online; or audiobook here; or pdf here
  33. Total Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary (St. Luis de Montfort) – pdf
  34. The Love of Eternal Wisdom (St. Louis de Montfort) – pdf, text, kindle format; or pdf here
  35. The Life of Christ as Seen in the Mass (St. Vincent Ferrer) – read online
  36. Counsels and Reminiscences (St. Therese of Lisieux) – pdf
  37. Letters of St. Therese (of Lisieux) to Her Sister Celine – pdf
  38. Prayers of St. Therese – pdf
  39. Letters (St. Gemma Galgani) – pdf
  40. The Spirit of the Cure of Ars (A. Monnin) – pdf, text, kindle format (writings and instructions of St. John Vianney)
  41. The Cure of Ars: Selections from the Writings of St. John Vianney – pdf, text, kindle format
  42. The Little Catechism of the Cure of Ars (St. John Vianney) – pdf, text, kindle format
  43. Sr. Benigna Consolata Ferrero, or, The Tendernesses of the Love of Jesus for a Little Soul – pdf, text, kindle format
  44. Vademecum Proposed to Religious Souls (Sr. Benigna Consolata Ferrero) – pdf, text, kindle format
  45. The Sacred Heart of Jesus (St. John Eudes) – pdf
  46. The Life and Kingdom of Jesus (St. John Eudes) – pdf
  47. Meditations on Various Subjects (St. John Eudes) – pdf
  48. Letters and Shorter Works (St. John Eudes) – pdf
  49. On Cleaving to God (St. Albert the Great) – pdf; pdf also here; or audiobook here
  50. The Twelve Degrees of Pride and Humility (St. Bernard of Clairvaux) – audiobook; or also here
  51. For Consecrated Souls (Communications of Our Lord regarding priests and religious to Blessed Dina Belanger) – pdf
  52. The Anonymous Sayings of the Desert Fathers (J. Wortley) – pdf
  53. St. Athanasius: Select Works and Letters – pdf; or also here
  54. Four Discourses Against The Arians (St. Athanasius) – audiobook
  55. Against Heresies (St. Irenaeus) – pdf, text, kindle format; or audiobook here
  56. Commonitorium (St. Vincent of Lerins) – read online; or epub here
  57. The Holy Rule of St. Benedict (St. Benedict of Nursia) – pdf, text, audio; or read online here
  58. Ascent of Mount Carmel (St. John of the Cross) – pdf; pdf also here; or audiobook here
  59. Dark Night of the Soul (St. John of the Cross) – pdf, audio; or pdf here; or audiobook here
  60. A Spiritual Canticle of the Soul (St. John of the Cross) – pdf, text, kindle format; or pdf here
  61. Christ in His Mysteries (Bl. Columba Marmion) – audiobook (in various parts)
  62. Christ, the Ideal of the Monk (Dom Columba Marmion) – pdf, epub; or pdf, kindle format here
  63. Treatise on Purgatory (S. Catherine of Genoa) – audiobook; or pdf, text, kindle format here
  64. Spiritual Dialog (St. Catherine of Genoa) – audiobook
  65. The Seven Spiritual Weapons (St. Catherine of Bologna) – read online; or audiobook here
  66. Dialog of Catherine of Siena (St. Catherine of Siena) – pdf, text; pdf also here; or audiobook here
  67. On the Soul and the Resurrection (St. Gregory of Nyssa) – audiobook
  68. On Temporal and Spiritual Authority (St. Robert Bellarmine) – pdf, epub
  69. The Eternal Happiness of the Saints (St. Robert Bellarmine) – pdf
  70. De Laicis: Treatise on Civil Government (St. Robert Bellarmine) – rtf format
  71. The Prophecies and Revelations of St. Bridget of Sweden – read online
  72. The Complete Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich – pdf, kindle format
  73. The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich – pdf, text, kindle format
  74. The Life of Jesus and Biblical Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich – pdf, text, kindle format
  75. The Visions of Sor Maria de Agreda (C. Colahan) – pdf
  76. The Life and Revelations of St. Gertrude (St. Gertrude the Great) – pdf, kindle; or audiobook here (various parts)
  77. Divine Consolation (Bl. Angela of Foligno) – pdf, text, kindle format; or audiobook here
  78. Dialogue of Comfort in Tribulation (St. Thomas More) – pdf; or audiobook: part 1part 2; or kindle format here
  79. The Tower Works: Devotional Writings (St. Thomas More) – pdf
  80. Utopia (St. Thomas More) – pdf
  81. Ten Reasons (St. Edmund Campion) – pdf, text, kindle format; or pdf here
  82. A Spiritual Consolation and Other Treatises (St. John Fisher) – pdf, text, kindle format
  83. Commentary on the Seven Penitential Psalms (St. John Fisher) – volume Ivolume II
  84. The Maxims and Sayings of St. Philip Neri – read online
  85. Selected Writings on the Spiritual Life (St. Peter Damian) – pdf, text, kindle format
  86. The Journey of the Mind into God (St. Bonaventure) – pdf; or also here
  87. The Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary (St. Bonaventure) – pdf; or also here
  88. Duty of a Christian towards God (St. Jean Baptiste de La Salle) – pdf, text, kindle format
  89. Summa Contra Gentiles: Of God and His Creatures (St. Thomas Aquinas) – pdf, kindle format; or pdf here
  90. Contra Errores Graecorum (St. Thomas Aquinas) – read online [latin/english]
  91. Nature and Grace (St. Thomas Aquinas) – read online
  92. On Evil (St. Thomas Aquinas) – epub
  93. On the Virtues (St. Thomas Aquinas) – pdf
  94. On Prayer and the Contemplative Life (St. Thomas Aquinas) – pdf
  95. The Commentary of St. Thomas Aquinas on the Book of Job – pdf, epub; or pdf here
  96. The Catechetical Instructions of St. Thomas Aquinas – pdf; or also here
  97. Works of St. Thomas Aquinas – read online [latin/english] (largest collection of his works translated to english);  [All of St. Thomas’ works in latin are here.]
  98. Collected Works of St. Patrick – audiobook
  99. Why God Became Man (St. Anselm of Canterbury) – pdf
  100. Proslogion (St. Anselm) – pdf
  101. Devotions (St. Anselm) – audiobook
  102. On Contempt for the World (St. Eucherius of Lyon) – pdf
  103. On Vainglory and How to Bring Up Children (St. John Chrysostom) – pdf
  104. The First Apology of St. Justin Martyr – pdf; or audio here or here
  105. The Second Apology of St. Justin Martyr – audiobook; or pdf here
  106. On the Duties of the Clergy (St. Ambrose) – audiobook
  107. Concerning Virgins (St. Ambrose) – audiobook
  108. The Banquet of the Ten Virgins (St. Methodius) – audiobook
  109. Contra Gentes (St. Athanasius) – audiobook
  110. The Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great – pdf
  111. Morals on the Book of Job (St. Gregory the Great) – read online
  112. Pastoral Care: The Book of Pastoral Rule (St. Gregory the Great) – audiobook
  113. Catechetical Lectures (St. Cyril of Jerusalem) – audiobook
  114. Ecclesiastical History of England (Venerable Bede) – audiobook; or pdf, text, kindle format here
  115. Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine (Bl. John Henry Newman) – audio: part 1part 2
  116. The Catholic and Manichaean Ways of Life (St. Augustine) – pdf
  117. On Christian Doctrine: Treatise on Scripture Interpretation Rules (St. Augustine) – audiobook; or read online here
  118. On Catechizing of the Unlearned (St. Augustine) – audiobook
  119. Catechetical Lectures (St. Cyril) – audiobook: part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5
  120. A Thought for Each Day of the Year (St. Ignatius of Loyola) – pdf
  121. Letters and Instructions (St. Ignatius of Loyola) – pdf
  122. Works of the Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi – pdf, text, kindle format
  123. The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi – pdf
  124. Flowers from the Garden of Saint Francis for Every Day of the Year – audiobook
  125. The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage; The Sparkling Stone; The Book of Supreme Truth (Bl. John of Ruysbroeck) – read online; or pdf, text, kindle format here
  126. Some Letters of St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux – pdf, text, kindle format
  127. The Letters of St. Dominic – pdf
  128. Selected Letters of St. Anthony Mary Claret – pdf
  129. Letters of St. Catherine of Siena – pdf, text, kindle format
  130. Letters (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque) – pdf
  131. The Letters of St. Peter Damian – pdf
  132. The Fathers of the Church: Apostolic Fathers – Writings and Letters – pdf
  133. St. Ambrose: Selected Works and Letters – pdf, text, kindle format
  134. Letters of St. Ambrose – pdf
  135. Hexameron, Paradise, Cain and Abel (St. Ambrose) – pdf
  136. St. Ambrose: Theological and Dogmatic Works – pdf
  137. Letters of St. Ignatius of Antioch – audiobook
  138. Select Letters of St. Jerome – pdf, text, kindle format
  139. The Letters of St. John of Avila – pdf
  140. The Moral Concordances of St. Anthony of Padua – pdf, text, kindle format
  141. The Correspondence of St. Boniface – read online
  142. Letters of St. Alphonsus de Liguori – pdf, text, kindle format: part 1part 2part 3part 4
  143. Sermons for All Sundays in the Year (St. Alphonsus de Liguori) – pdf
  144. Sermons upon Various Subjects (St. Alphonsus de Liguori) – pdf
  145. Sermons of St. Vincent Ferrer – read online; or pdf, epub here
  146. Saint Bernardine of Siena: Sermons – pdf, text, kindle format
  147. Sermons of the Cure of Ars – pdf
  148. The Sunday Sermons of the Cure of Ars – audiobook (various parts)
  149. Feast Day Sermons of the Cure of Ars – audiobook (6 parts)
  150. Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers and Doctors of the Church – audiobook (many parts)
  151. Homilies of St. Thomas Aquinas – pdf
  152. Sermons of St. Leo the Great – audiobook; or also here
  153. Sermons of St. Anthony of Padua – pdf
  154. Fifty Spiritual Homilies of St Macarius (one of the Desert Fathers) – audiobook
  155. Homilies of St. John Chrysostom – audiobook
  156. Homilies for Lent from the Church Fathers – audio: part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5

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