Read Lk. 10:25-35
Do you realize that you are God’s mercy face today in our world? You are created in HIS image and likeness (Gen. 1:27) and with a wonderful authority over every created thing, even your fears (v.28). So why can’t we just make a conscious stop sometimes if not all the time and show that face of mercy to somebody as the man did in Lk. 10:33-34 (for life was more important to him than social or cultural barrier).
You see every life is very important and precious to God; that is why he uses you his pen to write straight on every crooked lines; for he has blessed you so that you can be a blessing to others. You cannot be that too disadvantaged not to show a little kindness to someone.
All Jesus is asking of you is that you should show a little concern today and he says to you as he did to that teacher in v.37, “go then and do the same.” Will you turn Jesus down today?
Go back into your closet once again for my spirit tells me that there is still something that you can sacrifice for Jesus today. It might be those shoes been worn by the dust, you never can tell.
Sing once again “Amazing grace”, and “my hope is built on nothing less.” Study for today Deut. 24.